This is a very interresting note, because it's true. It's all about the perspective that you gave to certain kind of things that make them chanche, basing on what you think, feel and know.
In the Article, the autor mencion that people says that the German is ugly (the language, not the people); and the autor also says that this could be because of Hitler, who dennoted his German accent to much, and also are some videos that gives the language to much emphasis in the pronunciation.
This also don't only applies on the German; it's consider the American English is uglier than the British one, when it only depends on the people that is pronuncieting it (see, pronunciation is important).
Many scientific resarches points out that the capacity of a person to say that one language is preatier than other is on how much are you familiarizaded on the sound or ritm of your own language (this is not neccesarity the principal aspect).
At the end, one just not simply can say that one language is most beautiful than other, because, some other dude will come out (of another country, with another culture,
and speakes different than you) and say that the leanguage that you said that was prety (kawaii) for him is awful, and the language that you say that was ugly for him is beautiful.
So basically "Don't judge a book by its cover"
I will ask you if you can comment, it's just for my grade. Thanks for reading.
If I have some grammar error, or other kind of error, please let me know about it to.
Very good