The Abortin basically is the premature end of the pregnancy that doesn't results in a child birth. The pregnancy is remove from the womb, by thanking pills or a surgery. On most of the abortions the mother doesn't need to stay in the hospital.
There are a lot of teenagers that make abortions, making almost 12,000 teenagers abortions every year.
The Abortion is not legal in all around the world, and can only be practice in the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. Some places argued that the abrtion is dangerous, to the mother and the non birthed child, but the abortions actually are safe and fast, but there can be complications during the proces.
In some places the abortion is seen as an abomination, because you kill a human, but biologically talking, in the first 24 weeks, the pregnancy can be seen not as a human.
This topic is a very complicate and delicate topic, and the woman that practice them are seen as a murder. Organizations such as religion says that the abortion is not good seen to the eyes of god, but this is their perspective, all that matters isthe decision of the mother
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