miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

Fall of Icarus

When Icarus felt, it was Spring,
a farmer was ploughing his field,
and talking care of his sheep.

He was near of the sea,
When he heard an unnotice splash,
it was Icarus falling from the sky,
because of the sun,
that melted his wings.

When Icarus felt, nobody heard it,
Nobody helped him, and nobody cared.

Based on William Carlos William's "Landscape with The Fall of Icarus".

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

English Web Page

4.-  Synonyms and Antonyms
     At the Beginning of the movie, Simba trusted Scar, and in the end, eh disbelief him.

       Discurse Markers
      Question Tags
      The hyenas were crazy, weren't they?

9.-   Verb Patterns (With Gerund, Infinitive, That Clause, ING, Meaning Change, Perfect and Passive)
      Simba was trusting in his uncle, he had to do it, he has not choice, he hasn't thought about future.

        History Lessons (Eyewitness accounts, telling jokes)
      A hunter man says Simba: "Your father is full of Proteins".

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014


I was born the 29 of August 1998, and I haven't do anything important (or important to me) in my life, but I have archived some "little goals" that can be considered in this, like the fact that I programmed a robot at age of 10, building it by myself.

Other goals (or things that happened "accidentally") are winning an internet contest, get first place of the class for one year, and building a bookshelf.

I'm still young (15 years old), and I have more particular and big goals that I want to complete. Also, I'm not a person that likes to stand out in all the things that can, that's maybe the main reason that I don't have important things to share.

Also I can say that I crated a short novel book, and I have another one in development, and I'm trying to make the last one a serie; yes, I know that is an "Indy" book, and maybe it won't be interesting, but I like to write, and I get out of all my frustrations writing. And I'm creating a little videogamefor a protect; when is finished, I hope to still upgrading it to make a satisfactory game with it.

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Attack Dog Shot by Freak

This is just a fictional New made in class

Yesterday in the night the neighborhood of the west river heard a gun shoot in one of the houses and called the police for help. The cops arrived and they discovered a dead dog in the house. The owners said that only the dog was harm and provably it wasn't a thief, because nothing was stole. The police jump into a conclusion very fast; they said that was a freak or a punk that shot the dog because it was making to much noise. The hypothesis given by the police maybe be correct, because many neighbors near the house reported that the dog was always barking loud. The cops will try to find the responsible of the murder of the dog.

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

The Sound of Difference

This is not an Official Notice, but a Review of it. I will let the link of the official Notice at the end of my review.

This is a very interresting note, because it's true. It's all about the perspective that you gave to certain kind of things that make them chanche, basing on what you think, feel and know.
In the Article, the autor mencion that people says that the German is ugly (the language, not the people); and the autor also says that this could be because of Hitler, who dennoted his German accent to much, and also are some videos that gives the language to much emphasis in the pronunciation.
This also don't only applies on the German; it's consider the American English is uglier than the British one, when it only depends on the people that is pronuncieting it (see, pronunciation is important).
Many scientific resarches points out that the capacity of a person to say that one language is preatier than other is on how much are you familiarizaded on the sound or ritm of your own language (this is not neccesarity the principal aspect).
At the end, one just not simply can say that one language is most beautiful than other, because, some other dude will come out (of another country, with another culture,
and speakes different than you) and say that the leanguage that you said that was prety (kawaii) for him is awful, and the language that you say that was ugly for him is beautiful.
So basically "Don't judge a book by its cover"

LINK: http://www.thesmartset.com/article/article03041401.aspx

I will ask you if you can comment, it's just for my grade. Thanks for reading.
If I have some grammar error, or other kind of error, please let me know about it to.

viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

The Abortion

The Abortion is a complicate topic that has been debateded for many years, and many political and non political organizations had speak in favor and not in favor.
The Abortin basically is the premature end of the pregnancy that doesn't results in a child birth. The pregnancy is remove from the womb, by thanking pills or a surgery. On most of the abortions the mother doesn't need to stay in the hospital.
There are a lot of teenagers that make abortions, making almost 12,000 teenagers abortions every year.
The Abortion is not legal in all around the world, and can only be practice in the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. Some places argued that the abrtion is dangerous, to the mother and the non birthed child, but the abortions actually are safe and fast, but there can be complications during the proces.
In some places the abortion is seen as an abomination, because you kill a human, but biologically talking, in the first 24 weeks, the pregnancy can be seen not as a human.
This topic is a very complicate and delicate topic, and the woman that practice them are seen as a murder. Organizations such as religion says that the abortion is not good seen to the eyes of god, but this is their perspective, all that matters isthe decision of the mother

jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

The Virtual World v1.0

It was a dark cold afternoon, a new MMORPG arrived to the marked with the promise that it will be a new experience of gaming, it was.
I was one of the lucky 1,000 people that had the demo of the game. The controller was a helmet of virtual reality, that reads the pulses from the brain and transforms them into movement in the video game. In just two months, I advance to the level 23 of 100; I was the only player that reached that far in the demo.
I connected the helmet and put it in my head; it started as usual as the demo, with little color differences. I choose my demo avatar and started the game.
I spawn in the main plaza, with other 200,000 players (more or less), with any instructions of what to do or where to go, but I knew that the first thing that you do in a MMO is level up, to become stronger.
I found a little forest and started to walk through it. I couldn't see the sun through the leaves of the threes. I level up easily to level 5, and walked away. I looked to the clock, 8:00, time for dinner; I opened the menu and start to look at the log out option, I didn't find it. A heavy bell starred to rang, so I reach to the main plaza to see if there was any important message. I reached the plaza just in time, and the sky started to became red, with Warning messages in it. A black tall figure emerge from the sky and started to talk. He said that he was the creator of the game, and it was virtually impossible to scape from it, he said that we couldn't log out, because we needed to finish the game; the 100 levels of the game. If we beat the game, we should be able to log out from it. He also mention that if we were fatally injure in any part of the game, we would die in the virtual world, ant the real world. After his speech, he vanish in front of all the players. The message was perfectly clear, we needed to beat the game.
A small object appeared in all the players bags; a small mirror. When it was active, our avatars transformed in ourselves. We where in the game.
Based on the face on every player, you could see their intentions; some of them wanted to level up immediately, some of them were afraid, and, some were just becoming nuts.
It was just the start of everything in this virtual world....
A week later some of the players where whispering that the first boss was found, and a group of level 13 players were about to confront the boss. I joined them.
We walked through a small dungeon with weak monsters, and reached to the boss chamber. Most of the players were highly motivated and wanted to beat the boss at all cost, but some of them were afraid to die. None of us wanted to die, or at least that was my perception. We eagerly awaited the boss, and it appeared.