lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

Videomas Review

Night of the Living Tec
It was a very good video (it´s the top of my favorite list), with a few details, like the fact that the main characters are killing just a teenager that were studding for a partial, or a little tennis ball (it´s suppose to be a bomb) that killed two zambies (yes zambies) at one blow.
The story was interesting and original. Can be expand more and become a great zambie video. Also, the creators can add more scenes and more zambies, and a EPIC FINAL BATTLE between the protagonists and the zambies.

Superheroes to the Rescue
In the video were poor dialogs and the story wasn´t very clear. It´s just like "Lets go screaming all the road in a fancy bike".
The transitions between scenes were poorly made and designed, in one scene there was a persecution, with a type of music, and in the next there wasn´t music and the protagonist were walking instead of being on their bikes.
The story can be reflected better, and may add more dialogs, or subtitles.

The Greatest Movie Ever
I really hope that the title was sarcastic, because this video was the opposite of the title.
I didn´t understand anything, and there hadn´t any subtitles to read. Also, I didn´t understand the main point of the video, or the message; it was just a bunch of guys fooling around.

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Essay-Adult Children Living at Home

Adult Children Living at Home

Being a adult living in your parents house in modern days is common. About 25 portent of adults between 20 and 30 years lives in their parents homes.
Obviously that's comfort to the kid, but for the parents it's stressful. Most of the time, the child return to home because of a problem, being economic, social or personal. A good part of those adults are unemployed, and doesn't contribute economically to the family.

- When you are the adult, you don't pay rent, or pay the house. Usually you only contribute to food, water or electricity.
- Most of the time your parents clean the house so you don't move a finger. Maybe you only clean your bed and your room.
- You can go out and don't worry about the house, because is secure with your parents in it.
- The relationship with your parents can decrease
- This problem can provoke a situation of stress to both of the parents and the child.
- This situation also can reduce the dependency of the adult/child.
- If you are the child, don't ask for privacy, because it isn't your house.

The situation of having a child adult living in home can be stressful, because at the same time he wants a support, he demands privacy for his own things. Also this destroy the relationship of the child and the parents, because most of the children's doesn't want to obey (again) their parents rules. The best situation is to create rules and make the children to obey them, or take them out of the house.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Quote #1: Martin Luther King

"The old law about 'an eye for an eye' leaves everybody blind"
          -Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King Jr. was a person who defend the human rights and the afroamerican people in America. The quote was said in a speech called "I have a dream".

It's a phrase used to discourage the act of getting revenge. It's saying that if someone does something bad to you, such as pokes your eye, and you poke.

In today days people take revenge about actions that are maden by others, at the end bought people ends with some damage and it is dangerous for society.

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

Types of Love

Love is a complicated feeling that affects the brain of a person.
Most of the people have symbolize the heart as a meaning of love, but actually, love it's more related to  chemicals reactions in the brain.

Romantic Love
The romantic love is a fealing toward a partner to whome you show attraction, care and respect. It's use more like a couple love.

'Platonic' Love
In the modern days, the 'Platonic' love is a misunderstanding because is use to refer a love that is never going to happen. It's similar to a crush.

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013


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